Moonlight Shadows follows the story of Benjamin, a mysterious man who invites the young Anaya to his home for dinner. Owing to his psychological instability and thirst for blood, Benjamin drugs Anaya. As she makes one last escape from his deadly hands, Benjamin captures Anaya, dragging her back into his lair.
But one man may come to the rescue. The question is...will he be able to save the day or arrive when it is far too late?
Visual Style and Influences:
"The idea behind Moonlight Shadows was to depict an eerie tale of murder mystery while also touching upon sensitive subjects such as rape. The inspiration behind Benjamin's character were male protagonists like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho who have no control over their lust for blood and will assert their power over anyone using various tactics. In the case of Benjamin, in some ways he knew that he would not be able to attain Anaya as long as she was conscious so he drugs her, making it easy for him to get his way.
Keeping in mind the style, in order to portray a mysterious vibe, the aesthetic of the film is also kept as black and white. The only colour, however, that one can see is the red drink that Benjamin drinks in the beginning of the film, hinting at what is to come in the film." - Khurram Rehman
Writer and Producer:- Khurram Rehman
Director, Cinematographer, and Editor:- Michael Sayinet
Assistant Director:- Hasnatun Nabi
Sound:- Pehal Panjwani
Production Assistant:- Ibrahim Ismail

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